ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) & EAL (English as an Additional Language)
The EAL programme at Riccarton High School is comprehensive. It creates a pathway from years 9 – 13 and ranges from Intensive EAL to English for Academic Purposes for tertiary study.
International students do not need a minimum English language level to enrol at Riccarton High School. Our Intensive EAL class caters for absolute beginners with 12 hours of class time a week.
As students’ English language levels increase, their ESOL class time is reduced and replaced with other school subjects. An advanced ESOL learner may only take four hours per week of a high-level EAL class, such as English for Academic Purposes.
The programme aims to integrate the English language and literacy across curriculum areas, which is essential for students’ success in all subjects.
There is also a strong emphasis on the maintenance and development of bi/multilingualism and literacy as a key contributing factor to academic achievement.