Te Kura Tuarua o Pūtaringamotu offers a range of leadership opportunities for our ākonga – leadership is one of the cornerstones of creating confident, independent, lifelong learners who are caring, responsible, involved, and globally-connected citizens.
Leadership opportunities are available as part of teams or as individuals, and at all year levels, culminating in more roles for our senior students.
There is a range of roles – Committee members, peer support, communications, Kohanga Ako mentors, learning tutors, manukura, media, and advertising are some of the examples where students can get involved. See the leadership booklet for more information.
Enter to learn…Learn to serve
Whaia te tika…Whaia te ako
Selecting Leaders
The selection of leaders is based on a range of things including the personal qualities and any organisational skills or interpersonal skills students can bring to the roles. Senior students must be able to function effectively as leaders while balancing academic studies, extra-curricular activities, and life outside school.
We have the following committees students can be a part of.
Mana Toroa
Ahurea – Culture Council
Ngā Toi – Arts Committee
Hākinakina – Sports Committee
Akoranga – Learning Committee
Hauora – Wellbeing Committee
Taiao – Environment Committee
Kaupapa – Senior Committee